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☆天然洗面皂 Natural Soap 80g

2,700 JPY

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海外發送專用商品介紹 Product description: ◆天然洗面皂 Natural Soap 80g 27 種日本國產漢方植物 +添加新櫻花提取物 ※櫻花提取物為抑制黑色素生成,明亮膚色,溫和防止肌膚受壓造成的粗糙+ 2 美容保濕成分(昆布、蜂蜜) 27kinds of oriental herb extraction, made in Japan+Contains Someiyoshino (cherry blossom) extract. ※Sakura extract inhibits melanin production, brightens skin tone, and gently prevents rough skin caused by stress. +2 kinds of essence( kelp, Honey) 以日本國產漢方植物製成,含天然保濕萃取精華(昆布、蜂蜜),溫和潔淨肌膚,對肌膚無負擔地清除汙垢,維持肌膚水分的平衡,洗出水潤清爽的肌膚。 含保濕成分的泡沫,柔軟細緻,並將多餘的皮脂等污垢徹底清潔,洗淨後清爽不緊繃;搭配天然植物香氣,添加一份對肌膚和心靈的關懷,讓您感到身心放鬆對肌膚0負擔。 Rich plant-derived moisturizing and beauty ingredients kneaded soap, aged, making the soap gentle to the skin. Smooth and creamy foam, gently moisturizes the skin. The soap can be used not only to the face, but also to the body. ▣ 使用方法 ▣ 濃厚細緻的泡沫,洗出滋潤和光滑的肌膚。 1.清水(建議溫水)沾濕洗面皂,在手中(或起泡網)反覆搓揉,產生濃厚泡沫。 2.將泡沫均抹於全臉,以指腹畫圓的方式按摩肌膚。(※請注意不要過於用力摩擦肌膚) 3.清潔完後,以清水(建議溫水)反覆沖洗乾淨。 ▣ How to use ▣ Gently whip the soap, spread it on the entire soap and rinse it off with warm water.

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