懷孕期間、哺乳中可以使用嗎?Is breastfeeding during pregnancy safe?

京乃雪的商品在懷孕及哺乳中使用上是可以的。 但是,懷孕及哺乳中的肌膚會變得比較敏感, 跟平常的肌膚的狀況會有些不同的時候也會有。 因此這期間使用時肌膚有任何不適,請您立即停止使用。 商品的香味,是原材料的自然香氣, 這期間根據您身體狀況,可能對於味覺也會有所改變, 如果有任何感到不適的時候,建議您先停止使用。 Yes, but During pregnancy and breast-feeding, You skin become more sensitive than usual. If you have any skin discomfort or an allergic reaction, please stop using immediately . This product is the raw material of natural fragrance. If you feel unwell during use, please stop using it immediately.

為什麼結帳時有稅的表示?Why is there a tax indication at checkout?

★結帳時稅的表示 關於購買商品結帳時,下方有顯示內含稅(例如:TAX: ¥ ), 請無需擔心,京乃雪海外商店皆日本免稅後的價格,付款總額也是免稅的總價價格,並沒有含10%的稅。 由於此海外商店為日本開發系統,故依照有表示(TAX: ¥ )。 所有的商品皆為日本免稅後的價格,請放心購買。 造成購買上的誤會及不便,敬請見諒與理解。若有不明白的地方,請隨時與客服聯繫。 Mail: [email protected] When you proceed to Checkout, Tax will be displayed on the screen. But don’t worry. All goods are tax-free price and don’t included 10% tax in the kyonoyuki overseas shop store. We apologize for any inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact me. Mail: [email protected]

產品的有效期是多少?What is the expiration date of the product?

如果未開封,它可以存放大約 2 年。 打開後,請在 6 個月內使用。 保管時,請避免高溫、高濕、陽光直射。 If unopened, it can be stored for approximately 2 years. After opening, use within 6 months. For storage, avoid high temperature, high humidity, and direct sunlight.

關於化妝品的儲存環境。About storage environment for cosmetics.

避免高溫、高濕度和陽光直射。此外,要放在小孩拿不到的地方。Avoid high temperature, high humidity, and direct sunlight.Also, keep the product out of the reach of small children.

敏感或過敏皮膚可以嗎?Can I have sensitive or allergic skin?

配方盡可能溫和。即使皮膚敏感的人也可以使用。我們使用無刺激性防腐劑。它已經過過敏測試(*),如果你擔心,從一套試用裝開始。試試看是否適合您的皮膚。*並非所有人都不會過敏。Formula is as gentle as possible so that even sensitive skin can use it.We use preservatives that are less irritating.Although the product has been allergy tested (*), if you are concerned, please try the trial set first to see if it is suitable for your skin. (*)Not all people are free from allergy.

是否使用防腐劑?Are preservatives used?

京乃雪使用對皮膚刺激較小的苯氧乙醇作為防腐劑。KYONOYUKI uses phenoxyethanol as a preservative, which is considered less irritating to the skin.